Unite Local, State, and Federal Heroes for Efficient Disaster Response

2024 HOTZONE Conference
HOTZONE 2024 will be held October 17-20, 2024, at the Wyndham Houston near NRG (previously the Crowne Plaza). We are working hard to get everything lined up for a fantastic conference.
The Scholarship Application page is open (see menu above). The Online Registration link is up and running as well.
The website will begin to be updated fairly often as new material is developed, so please check back often for more updates.
The schedule and course descriptions will be posted later in July and can be viewed or downloaded by clicking the “2024 HOTZONE Conference” menu item above.
Until then, stay safe!
Thank you to all of our attendees, speakers, exhibitors, committee, and staff for helping to make the HOTZONE Conference a huge success. A special thanks go out to all of the homes and sponsoring agencies who have made the scholarship program available to our response community. Without your support and dedication, hundreds of responders would not be able to attend. Make your hotel reservations early to ensure a room. A limited number of Scholarships are available to help you attend. Just click on the Scholarship Application link to see the details.
While the HOTZONE is held in Region VI, it is open for anyone to attend.
The “Zone“: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas (Federal Region 6)

Train and equip local, state, and federal responders for safe, coordinated, and efficient response to releases of hazardous materials that threaten public health and the environment.

Target Audience
Local fire, police, emergency management personnel, emergency medical services, health care providers, and state and federal response personnel who participate directly in the incident command system or in its immediate support at the scene of a hazmat response or terrorist event in Federal Region 6.
The HOTZONE Committee is composed of representatives from the local, state, and federal levels of the HAZMAT response community serving Federal Region 6. It is the vision of the HOTZONE Committee to establish an annual training conference in order to continuously improve HAZMAT technical training, promote professional relationships within Region 6, and meet the unique needs of this region.
To meet the unique needs of this region, this conference focuses on bringing together municipal and industrial firefighters with HAZMAT responsibilities but also seeks to educate and equip other local, State, and Federal agency personnel who play an integral role in unified command at the scene.
This conference is about you, the responder.